Fr. Calvin Robinson
Good morning!
I have not posted since Christmas. This has been due to a lot of things, but mostly to doing things done in other areas of my life. As a Catholic Deacon there is always things to do.
When you decide what to post, it comes down to what is important to you and are you compelled enough to say something about that subject to the general public. Today, I feel compelled to discuss Fr. Calvin Robinson. Fr. Robinson is an Anglican Priest in the Anglican Catholic Church. He was ordained as a deacon in the Free Church of England and was ordained priest by Bishop Roald Nikolai Flemestad of the Nordic Catholic Church. It should be noted that within Christianity, agreements to accept ordinations from associated churches is common. Fr. Robinson has been the Priest-in-Charge of St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has been a conservative voice in Christianity dating back to his days in seminary.
On January 25, he was spoke at the National Pro-Life Summit in Washington D.C. At the end of the speech, he jokingly gave a gesture, as did Elon Musk that was interpreted by liberal media as a “pro-Nazi salute.” It wasn’t. Everyone knew at the time it was done in jest. Unfortunately, the Bishops of the Anglican Church over-reacted and suspended or revoked Fr. Robinson’s license to minister citing his past political expressions.
This situation is the perfect example of why I decided to create this blog. It is a direct crash at the intersection of faith and culture. Bishop Robinson is very conservative, but his bishops apparently did not want to “offend anyone” so Fr. Robinson was scape-goated.
It appears that Fr. Robinson will have to find a church that will allow him to continue his ministry. Unfortunately, the controversy itself will probably get in the way. Please pray for Fr. Robinson and please pray that the bishops of the Anglican Catholic Church will recognize their error in trying to be politically correct.
May God bless us all!